Protected Species Mitigation
Where protected species are found on a site it is often necessary to devise a mitigation strategy to ensure their survival during the development. We work closely with clients, planning consultants and architects to successfully design mitigation strategies that satisfy both Natural England or Natural Resources Wales(with respect to EPSL and badger licence applications) and the clients in respect to mitigation designs. Each site is assessed on an individual basis and fundamental to our approach is the development of a close working relationship with both the client/planning consultant and architect, developing solutions based on sound ecological surveys and a thorough understanding of the ecology of UK protected species including bats, badgers, dormice, water voles, otters, birds, great crested newts and reptiles.
For example, bat mitigation solutions can involve a variety of approaches including internal voids (bat lofts) with interconnecting links, external provisions (such as bat boxes) and integrated features such as bat tubes and cavity walls.