Meet the Staff
Catharine Jarvis
Catharine Jarvis BSc (Hons) MPhil
Assistant Consultancy Ecologist
Catharine joined the team in 2023, after previously working as a Conservation Trainee for Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, learning all the practical skills associated with reserve management. She holds a basic LANTRA Tree Inspection and Survey qualification, in addition to Brushcutter and Chainsaw licences. Prior to her time with the Wildlife Trust, she worked for Worcestershire Children First and Worcestershire County Council as a Consultant Senior Business Analyst and a Head of Information Services in the National Health Service. She spent a season working for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds as a Capercaillie and Osprey Information Officer at Loch Garten in the Cairngorm region of Scotland. Whilst there, she completed a post-graduate Certificate in Ornithology at the University of Birmingham, specialising in Water Rail. Catharine was also a nest box recorder at Bodenham Arboretum for the West Midlands Bird Club. She served as a Committee Member on the Stourbridge RSPB Local Group for 20 years and has also volunteered for the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and Worcestershire Wildlife Trust. In her spare time Catharine enjoys walking and photography, particularly of British wildlife. She is currently training for a dormouse handling licence in support of the National Dormouse Nestbox Monitoring Programme, a level 1 bat licence and a great crested newt licence.
Joshua Evans
Joshua Evans BSc(Hons) MCIEEM
Consultancy Manager
Joshua joined the team in 2008, previously working as an independent consultant, prior to that he worked for the National Trust and Forestry Commission as an ecological surveyor. For the last 25 years he has worked in both the conservation and consultancy sector. Many of these years were in woodland conservation and management. He is an experienced ecologist with good botanical skills and extensive experience in protected species' surveys. He has particular expertise in terrestrial invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles and bats and holds Natural England and Natural Resources Wales licences for bats, dormice, great crested newts, white-clawed crayfish and barn owls.
Moira Conn
Moira Conn
Finance and Admin Officer
Moira provides administrative support for the Ecology team and deals with financial matters relating to projects, thereby ensuring the smooth running of the financial side of the business.